A full English Breakfast – it must have beans, sausages, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, hash browns and toast. Of course, it should all be knocked back with a cup of tea, but black pudding is optional as far as I’m concerned. 1.完整的英国早餐——通常一定有豆类,香肠,熏肉,鸡蛋,蘑菇,土豆煎饼和吐司。当然,要搭配一杯茶,就我而言的话,也是个不错的备选。 2. Breakfast in Iran – it usually features some sort of naan bread with butter and jam. When a light breakfast just isn’t going to hit the spot Iranians eat halim. Halim is a mixture of wheat, cinnamon, butter and sugar cooked with shredded meat in huge pots. You can eat it hot or cold. You can also see the Iranian version of an omelet here too. 2.伊朗早餐——特色就是这些抹了黄油和果酱的烤饼面包。当这样简单的早餐不能满足伊朗人的需要的时候,他们就会吃哈利姆。哈利姆是在一个巨大的容器中用小麦,肉桂,黄油和糖与肉丝共同混合烘焙而成的食物。加热和放凉,哈利姆都可以食用。这里你也可以看到伊朗版本的煎蛋是什么样子的。 3. A Cuban wake up meal – usually consists of sweetened coffee with milk with a pinch of salt thrown in. The unique Cuban bread is toasted and buttered and cut into lengths to dunk in the coffee. 3.古巴醒神餐——通常包括加糖,加牛奶,还放一小撮盐的咖啡。古巴最独特的面包是烤出来,涂上黄油,切成一定长度,蘸着咖啡一起吃。 4. Polish Breakfast – known locally as Jajecznica, a traditional Polish breakfast consists of scrambled eggs covered with slices of custom-made kielbasa and joined by two potato pancakes. 4.波兰早餐——当地人称为Jajecznica,这种传统的波兰早餐包括覆盖有客人自己选择的波兰熏肠切片的炒鸡蛋,同时搭配有两个土豆煎饼。 5. Quick Spanish breakfast – Pan a la Catalana, or Pan con Tomate, in Spain is simple but really delicious. Just rub some bread with fresh garlic and plenty of ripe tomato, then drizzle with olive oil and salt. Top with cheese, ham or sausage for an extra bit. 5.西班牙早餐——Pan a la Catalana或者是Pan con Tomate(一种面包),西班牙的早餐一般很简单,但是却很美味。就是把新鲜的大蒜和成熟的番茄酱擦在面包上,然后加少许橄榄油和盐。为了满足更多的需求,也可以在面包的最上面放上些奶酪,火腿或者香肠。 6. A yummy Moroccan breakfast – usually consists of different breads with some chutney, jam, cheese or butter. They have a really delicious crumpet-style bread which they make in huge slabs for you to tear a bit off, and a semolina pancake bread called Baghir – both are really tasty. 6.美味的摩洛哥早餐——通常包括涂有些酸辣酱,果酱,奶酪或者黄油的不同面包。摩洛哥有真正美味的烤面饼,通常被一厚块端上来,然后你从上面撕下一点儿来,还有叫做Baghir的小麦粉薄烤饼--它们都很好吃。 7. A healthy Hawaiian breakfast – I couldn’t imagine Hawaiians eating anything but fruit to be honest. Of course, there’s the bagel but I’m sure they’d burn the energy from that off in a few minutes on their surf board anyway. 7.夏威夷健康早餐---我都不敢想象夏威夷人的早餐只吃水果。当然,早餐里也有百吉饼,但是我确定之后他们在冲浪板上运动的分分钟就可以把从中摄取的能量燃烧掉。 8. Swedish breakfast – often involves a Swedish pancake, known as a Pannkakor. It’s a thin flat cake made from batter and fried on both sides – much like a crepe. It’s usually served with a sweet, fruity filling. 8.瑞典早餐---通常有熟知的Pannkakor瑞典薄烤饼。这是一种由鸡蛋,面粉,牛奶混合而成的面糊做成的薄而平的蛋糕,两面煎炸---其实更像可丽饼。通常也搭配有甜的果味酱。 9. Icelandic breakfast cuisine – a hearty and hot breakfast to fight off the dark, icy mornings is what’s needed here. Hafragrautur, or oatmeal, is served with a sprinkle of brown sugar with a few raisins or nuts on top, perfect. 9.冰岛早餐---一顿可以驱赶黑暗和寒冷的丰盛且热腾腾的早餐就是这个了。Hafragrautur或加有红糖的燕麦粥,也可以放些葡萄干或者坚果在粥上,那就更棒了。 10. Breakfast in Portugal – a delicious and simple affair with stuffed croissants and plenty of coffee served in the sun. 10.葡萄牙早餐---一个简单美味的填陷儿羊角面包还有在阳光下的可口咖啡。 11. Breakfast in Australia – there’s only one crucial ingredient here, Vegemite. Travelling Aussies are often found with a sneaky pot of the sticky, salty brown stuff in their backpack. Just don’t get in the Vegemite vs Marmite war – everybody knows Marmite is better, but let them have their fun. 11.澳大利亚早餐---只有一个主要的原材料,那就是Vegemite咸味酱。旅游的澳大利亚人通常都在他们的背包里放一罐儿装有粘的,咸味的褐色酱。这里就不要纠结于Vegemite和酸酯酵母哪个更好的矛盾中--人人都知道,酸酯酵母更好一些,但是就让澳大利亚人尽情享受他们对Vegemite的乐趣吧。 12. A Brazilian breakfast – mmmm a delicious selection of meats, cheeses and bread is the normal breakfast fare here. Jazzy rosething crafted out of I don’t know what, optional. 12.巴西早餐---嗯~~~非常美味的早餐,有肉,奶酪和面包,就是最常见的搭配了。精巧制作的类似玫瑰花物可选。 13. An Italian breakfast – a nation too fabulous for heavy breakfasts me thinks. Or maybe they’re saving themselves for a big cheesy pizza lunch and a pesto pasta dinner? (Although there’s nothing wrong with having them for breakfast you know) Either way an Italian eats on the run with a ‘cappuccino e cornetto’ aka a cappuccino and croissant. 13.意大利早餐---一个我认为早餐不很大份儿的国家。没准儿他们是在为大大的干酪披萨午餐和香葱起司意面晚餐节省胃空间呢。(尽管我们知道吃这些并没有什么不对)不管怎样,这份意式早餐只有卡布奇诺咖啡和羊角面包。 14. A Welsh breakfast – errrm is it just me or is that cheesy toast flashing me a smile? Welsh Rarebit aka cheese on toast is a truly, truly delicious breakfast. Just the sight of that bubbling cheese makes me want to smother it in Worcestershire Sauce and chow down, mmmmm. Anyway, 36 left, must dash. 14.威尔士早餐---嗯嘛,仅仅是我或是那样一份干酪吐司让我漾起笑容吗?威尔士干酪就是吐司加奶酪,真的是美味的早餐。就是看了一眼这份鼓泡的奶酪,就让我忍不住想拌上辣椒酱吃掉它,么~~~总之,36岁了,要保持好。 15. Breakfast in Denmark – top marks for presentation here. On a Dane’s breakfast plate you’ll often find rye bread, cheeses, salami, ham, pâté, honey, jam and sometimes even thin ‘plates’ of chocolate. It came as a bit of a shock to me but my research has shown that bacon is not actually that popular! Dun dun durrrh. How can this be? Apparently they send in all to the UK. 15.丹麦早餐---最棒的早餐展示。在丹麦人的早餐盘里经常会出现黑面包,奶酪,意大利蒜味腊肠,火腿,馅饼,蜂蜜和果酱,有时候还会有一平盘巧克力。当看到这样一份早餐的时候我有点吃惊,但是在我的研究报告中培根在丹麦不是那么地受欢迎。怎么会这样呢?也许他们是把所有的培根都给了英国吧。 16. A Philippines breakfast – it’s all about the local fruits here. Mangoes are popular fare to keep you regular. As for keeping your energy up rice is the top choice, or the little sausages, known as longganisa, you can see above. When fried with salt and garlic cloves it’s known as sinangag. The sinangag is then combined with eggs, meats and beans and bob’s your uncle, fanny’s your aunt, a delicious Philippine breakfast is born. 16.菲律宾早餐---早餐都是当地水果。芒果很常见,是为了保持你的常规生活规律。要是为了提升体内能量,米饭是个不错的选择,或是诸如longganisa的香肠,上图可见。当米饭与盐和蒜瓣一起炒的时候就是炒饭。炒饭还有鸡蛋,肉和豆类一起端上桌面,人见人爱的菲律宾早餐就出锅了。 17. An Alaskan breakfast – featuring reindeer meat and an egg nestled on a pancake. Poor old Rudolph, he won’t be able to join in any reindeer games now, will he? 17.阿拉斯加早餐---特色就薄烤饼配驯鹿肉和鸡蛋。可怜的老罗道夫,他没能够加入任何驯鹿游戏咯~ 18. A traditional German breakfast – wursts, local cheeses and freshly baked bread is the normal fare for a German breakfast. All washed back with a delicious coffee. 18.传统德国早餐---香肠,当地奶酪和新鲜烘焙的面包就是最常见的德国早餐了。还搭配有美味的咖啡。 19. The famous American breakfast – home made thick pancakes with syrup and blueberries, topped off with a few rashers of bacon. Anyone not wishing for a coronary usually opts for a bowl of muesli, so I’m told. Pancakes all the way for me! 19.著名的美国早餐---家庭烹饪的厚煎饼,搭上果汁和蓝莓,另外再放一些培根薄片。我得知任何人都不喜欢得到一碗牛奶什锦早餐。煎饼一直是我的选择。 20. The French breakfast – ah, le croissant, le croissant, how I love le croissant! Pack them with crushed almonds, butter, chocolate or cream, they always taste good. 20.法国早餐---阿喔,羊角面包呀羊角面包,我是多么喜欢羊角面包呀~~用碎杏仁,黄油,巧克力或是奶油填充它,就是那么美味可口。 21. Breakfast in India – here we have rosemary roasted potatoes, Indian tofu scramble, lentils, veggie sausage and banana pepper toast. Breakfast cuisine in India varies hugely depending on the region but if you think of your Indian breakfast somewhere along these lines, you would be correct. 21.印度早餐---这里我们有迷迭香热煨的土豆,印度豆腐,扁豆,素食香肠和香蕉胡椒吐司。印度早餐食谱因地区的不同会差别很大,但是如果你按照印度早餐这一主线想的话,那么也错不了。 22. A hearty Scottish breakfast – much like a full English and a full Irish, but the country’s USP is the ‘sumptuous’ slab of haggis served alongside every fat-fried egg. Don’t know what haggis is? Scroll down quick if your animal eating habits err on the queasy side. It’s sheep’s heart, liver and lungs minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, salt and stock… 22.丰盛的苏格兰早餐---与英格兰和爱尔兰早餐很相似,但是苏格兰早餐的专利则是肥美煎蛋的旁边搭配的“奢华的”肉馅羊肚。知道肉馅羊肚是什么吗?为了不影响的你的食欲,我简单快速地提一句。其实它就将是羊的心脏,肝脏和肺剁碎并与洋葱,燕麦粥,牛脂,调味料,盐等混合而成... 23. Thailand’s breakfast offering – you’ll find this dish at stalls throughout Thailand. It’s a minty spicy fish with a sweet & spicy pork, served with rice. By all accounts it tastes excellent, and it’s cheap at only 30 Bhat. Thai breakfast fare isn’t all that different from what you’d eat for lunch and dinner. 23.泰国早餐---在泰国所有的正厅里都可以找得到这样的早餐,薄荷味辛辣的鱼,又甜又辣的猪肉,还有米饭。据大家所说,味道非常地棒,而且也不贵,只要30巴哈特。泰国早餐和你吃到的午餐和晚餐没有什么不同。 24. An Argentinian breakfast -usually consists of “mate” (an infusion drink made with leaves of “yerba”) or dulce de leche with “facturas,”a croissant-like typical pastry. 24.阿根廷早餐---通常会有“副物”(一种用“巴拉圭茶”制作的饮品)或是配有"facturas"的牛奶太妃,还有羊角面包类似的油酥点心。 25. An Irish breakfast – you’ve had English and Scottish, now it’s time to learn the Irish USP. That would be white pudding and soda bread. 25.爱尔兰早餐---我们上面谈到过英国和苏格兰早餐,现在我们就来看看爱尔兰的早餐。那就是除此之外的白香肠和奶油苏打面包的搭配。 26. A Canadian breakfast – that eggy looking section is actually perogies. Perogies are boiled, baked or fried dumplings made from unleavened dough and traditionally stuffed with potato filling, sauerkraut, ground meat, cheese, or fruit. Then you’ve got some sausages and toast to mop it all up. 26.加拿大早餐---这个看起来像鸡蛋一样的其实是叫做perogies. Perogies是一种水饺,通常都是用未发酵的生面团夹着土豆,德国泡菜,碎肉,奶酪或水果煮,烘焙或炸制而成。然后你就会搭配着一些香肠和吐司一起享受早餐咯。27. Breakfast in Mexico – the delightful plate above consists of beef tips, chilequiles and other assorted goodies eaten in Manzanillo. Nachos, cheese and beans always feature heavily and a delicious, spicy breakfast is the norm. 27.墨西哥早餐---图中可爱的盘子中有牛肉,Chilequiles和其他一些能在曼萨尼约吃到的什锦食品。玉米脆饼,奶酪和豆类的特色也很浓郁并且美味,辣辣的早餐是必须的。 28. A Russian breakfast – oladi is the breakfast of choice in Russia. They’re sort of like pancakes and kind of like Yorkshire puddings, hot, just fried, soft inside and with a crispy edge! They’re best enjoyed with soured cream, honey, jam or fresh berries. 28.俄罗斯早餐---Oladi是俄罗斯早餐不错的选择。它是一种类似于薄烤饼又类似于约克郡布丁的食品,很辣,油炸,内软外酥!一般人们都喜欢搭配着酸奶油,蜂蜜,果酱或是新鲜的浆果一起食用。 29. Breakfast in Vietnam – usually consists of some meaty treat dropped in a semolina/porridge mixture. What you see above is pork porridge. It features Chinese doughnuts, beansprouts, pork intestine stuffed with peppery pork mince, sliced pork heart, stomach slivers and blood pudding. A bit more interesting than toast and jam anyway. 29.越南早餐---包括一些粗面粉/麦片粥,上面撒有肉。图中的是猪肉粥,里面有中国甜甜圈,豆芽,用猪碎肉,猪心切片,猪胃切片和猪血糕填充的猪肉肠。比吐司和果酱要有趣一些。 30. Breakfast in Peru – ceviche is popular whatever time of day, breakfast, lunch or dinner. It’s a seafood dish made from fresh raw fish marinated in citrus juices such as lemon or lime and spiced with chilli peppers. What a feast. 30.秘鲁早餐---无论什么时候,早餐,午餐或是晚餐,酸橘汁腌鱼总是很流行。这份海鲜早餐是把新鲜的鱼浸泡在诸如柠檬或是酸橙类似的柑橘卤汁中,然后用红辣椒调味。真是一道大餐呐! 31. Breakfast in Bolivia – saltenas are a bit like empanadas crossed with Cornish pasties. They’re the traditional option for a Bolivian breakfast and usually filled with meat and vegetables, and slightly sweetened with sugar. 31.玻利维亚早餐---Saltenas有点像康瓦尔郡菜肉馅饼。他们是传统的玻利维亚早餐,并且通常会填有肉和蔬菜,加少量的糖。 32. An Egyptian breakfast – the breakfast of choice here is Foul Madamas. It’s made from fava beans, chickpeas, garlic and lemon. Above you’ll see the dish topped with olive oil, cayenne, tahini sauce, a hard boiled egg, and some diced green veggies. 32.埃及早餐---这里选择了Foul Madamas作为埃及早餐,它由蚕豆,鹰嘴豆,大蒜和柠檬共同制作而成。图中你看见菜中滴有橄榄油,撒了辣椒,芝麻酱,煮蛋和一些绿色蔬菜丁儿。 33. Breakfast in Japan – what do you mean you’ve never had tofu for breakfast? It’s a popular choice in Japan, along with fish and rice. Soak it in soya sauce and you’ve got yourself one delicious, and semi-healthy breakfast. 33.日本早餐---你应该从没有吃过用豆腐做的早餐吧?在日本,这种早餐很流行,再配有鱼和米饭,把它们浸泡在酱油里,你就拥有了一份美味并且半健康的早餐。 34. Breakfast in China – a lot like lunch and dinner in China. Expect noodles, rice, sticky coated chicken and fried veggies. 34.中国早餐---像极了中国的午餐和晚餐的感觉。面条,米饭,鸡块儿和油炸蔬菜。 35. Malaysian breakfast – A hot bowl of Mee – noodles mixed with egg, vegetable and tasty spices. 35.马来西亚早餐---一碗热腾腾的面,配有鸡蛋,蔬菜和调味料。 36. Breakfast in Mongolia – it generally consists of boiled mutton with lots of fat and flour and maybe some dairy products or rice. In western Mongolia they add variety to their diets with horsemeat. 36.蒙古早餐---通常包括煮羊肥肉,面点,可能还有一些乳制品或米饭。在西部蒙古,他们还会在早餐中加入马肉。 37. Breakfast in Belize – fry jacks are a staple in Belize breakfast cuisine. They’re deep-fried pieces of dough that are often accompanied by beans and eggs, or jam and honey. 37.伯利兹城早餐---油炸羊拐是伯利兹城最主要的早餐菜肴。通常是一些深度油炸的生面团,搭配有豆类和鸡蛋,果酱和蜂蜜。 38. A Hungarian breakfast – always consists of Pogácsa. Well, nearly always anyway. Throughout the year there are festivals dedicated to it and the recipe changes region to region. They have a scone-like consistency and as well as a popular breakfast item, they’re also used to bulk up goulash meals. 38.匈牙利早餐--几乎是任何时候,Pogacsa都是早餐的主角。匈牙利全年,有很多节日都是为了这道菜,食谱由一个地区到另一个地区发生改变。类似于烤饼并作为普遍的早餐项目,它们也被用于扩充菜炖牛肉餐。 39. A Korean breakfast – breakfast is similar to lunch and dinner in Korea. You’ll get a small plate of kimchi, a bowl of rice and a bowl of clear vegetable soup. A good old-fashioned slice of toast is also a popular choice, but that doesn’t make for nearly as good a picture. 39.韩国早餐---和韩国午餐和晚餐很相似。一盘泡菜,一碗米饭还有一碗蔬菜清汤。老式的吐司切片也是一个普遍的选择,但是配图的话就不那么好看了。 40. Breakfast in Pakistan – in Pakistan you’ll get Aloo Paratha for your breakfast. It’ s an Indian unleavened flatbread made by pan frying, wholewheat dough on a tava. The dough contains ghee and the bread is usually stuffed with vegetables. It’s best eaten with butter, chutney or some other spicy sauce. It’s not uncommon to roll it up and dip it in your tea. 40.巴基斯坦早餐---你会在巴基斯坦的早餐中吃到香辣土豆馅饼。这是一种印度未发酵的面包,由平底锅煎炸全麦面团制作而得。生面团含酥油,面包通常也填充有蔬菜。经常要搭配有黄油,酸辣酱或一些其他辣酱一起享用。把它卷起来吃,或是蘸着茶吃是不常见的。 41. An Estonian breakfast – curd cheese on a wheat bloomer – known locally as ‘cheese on toast’. The creamy topping can be supplemented with ricotta or fromage fraiche instead, if you prefer. 41.爱沙尼亚早餐---小麦面包上涂凝乳,就是当地的“奶酪吐司”。如果你喜欢的话,面上的奶酪配料也可以选用意大利乳清干酪或者乳酪代替。 42. Breakfast in Jordan – the choice varies depending on the are and upbringing you’re from. Labneh, hummous and falafel are all popular choices and are usually served alongside olive oil, lamb sausage, jam and butter, turkey or beef mortadella. 42.约旦早餐——你从哪儿决定了你对于早餐的选择。浓缩酸奶,Hummous和沙拉三明治都是普遍的选择,并且也通常是搭配着橄榄油,羊肉香肠,果酱和黄油,火鸡或牛肉熏香肠一起享用。 43. Breakfast in Venezuela – empenadas are the order of the day. Fill the little pastries with fresh cheese, minced meat or any combination of veggies and beans. 43.委内瑞拉早餐——Empenadas就是今天早餐。用新鲜奶酪,肉末儿或是任何蔬菜和豆类的组合食材填满这些小点心。 44. Breakfast in Colombia – there are a variety of regional staples to keep your stomach grumbles at bay throughout the day. In Cundinamarca this changua dish is very popular. It’s made from milk, scallions and cheese. 44.哥伦比亚早餐——有一些地区的早餐选择总是让胃全天困顿。在哥伦比亚这种Changua就非常普遍。它是用牛奶,青葱和奶酪一同混合而成的。 45. Breakfast in Ghana – the most popular breakfast item in this African country is waakye. It’s basically rice cooked in beans and is found at all the street stalls in Ghana. 45.加纳早餐——Waakye是这个南非国家最流行的早餐了。以米饭为主料,加入豆类,几乎在加纳的所有街道都可以吃得到这道美味。 46. Breakfast in Uganda – like a lot of large countries the typical breakfasts vary region by region. But a popular dish across the country is katogo – it’s a combination of green cooking bananas mixed in a stew from beef or in a sauce from vegetables. The picture above is banana with cow organs. 46.乌干达早餐——和许多大国家一样,典型的早餐因地区不同而不同。但是在整个国家,Katogo也总是最流行。它是绿色香蕉混合牛肉丝或蔬菜沙司烹饪而成。图片中出现的则是香蕉与牛杂。 47. A Bahamas breakfast – to be a Bahamian breakfast it must contain grits. Grits are dried ground hominy, or corn, for anyone not in the loop. You mix it with boiling water and the grits becomes a porridge. Its popularity came from slavery times when it’s all the slaves had to eat. Nowadays it’s topped with fat prawns and meat to spice it up a bit. 47.巴哈马群岛早餐——巴哈马群岛的早餐一定会有粗燕麦粉。粗燕麦粉是干燥的地面玉米粥,或是玉米粒,用开水冲泡将这些混合,粗燕麦粉就变成了粥。它的风靡源于奴隶都要吃这个的奴隶时代。而现在,通常还会在上面撒一些肥美的虾和肉,并加入调味品。 48. Breakfast in Costa Rica – Gallo Pinto is the standard breakfast fare in Costa Rica. It’s made from black beans, rice, optional soured cream, salsa and a corn tortilla. Costa Ricans will often have a bit of avocado, fried ripe plantain or cold meat on the side. 48.哥斯达黎加早餐——哥斯达黎加的基本早餐是红豆饭。它是由黑豆,米饭,可选酸奶油,辣调味汁和玉米烙饼一起做成的。哥斯达黎加人会在一旁配一些鳄梨,油炸成熟的车前草或冻肉。 49. Breakfast in the Dominican Republic – you need to try the mangu. Mangu is made from mashing boiled plantains with butter and either salami, cheese or eggs. Top it off with a hot chocolate and you’ve got yourself some traditional Dominican Republic fare. 49.多米尼亚早餐——可以试一下Mangu。Mangu是用捣碎煮沸的大蕉搭配黄油或是意大利蒜味腊肠,奶酪或是鸡蛋共同烹制而成。面上再撒些巧克力,这个时候你就可以饱尝多米尼亚最传统的早餐了。 50. A Turkish breakfast – the full Turkish treatment usually consists of a few varieties of cheese, butter, olives, eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers, jam, honey, and spicy meat. 50.土耳其早餐——丰富的土耳其早餐通常有很多种类的奶酪,黄油,橄榄油,鸡蛋,番茄,黄瓜,果酱,蜂蜜和辣味肉。明天开始换着吃!英文来源:www.musely.com中文翻译来源:译言,译者 |FloraZhonghttps://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/uqPdnU-NIkAwfECjRinBzg